Teller Report

Vicente, Íñigo and Ricardo, the first 'Premium' readers of EL MUNDO

10/22/2019, 6:36:45 PM

It was 06.28 in the morning in the writing of THE WORLD, but the expectation was the same as when you invite friends to dinner at your new home. Who would be the first to arrive

  • JOURNALISM.THE WORLD launches Premium

It was 06.28 in the morning in the writing of THE WORLD, but the expectation was the same as when you invite friends to dinner at your new home. Who would be the first to arrive? Would it come alone or accompanied? Would everything be to the taste of the visit? There are days when a newspaper is so similar to life that it ends up being precisely that, illusion and nerves , life and its mysteries, with the readers for once turned into news and those who write them by opening the door and saying pass, please get comfortable. [subscribe here]

October 22 will be remembered as the date on which a newspaper of general information in Spain began to be really those who regularly enjoy their columns, interviews and reports. That other way to make a newspaper.

No one was more early riser than Vicente Bencomo . Barely half an hour had elapsed since the signing of the subscription and he was already there, spinning the golden ball of Premium news on the web. "You have a great group in the Opinion section," Bencomo said when asked what had led him to reinforce his commitment to this header.

To the new user community was added shortly after Íñigo Astarloa , a 54-year-old from Madrid. "I think that a free press is more necessary today than ever and we must pay for it. The free thing scares me because in the end the origin of the income will be able to mark and skew the information that is transmitted. Of course, I notice that I have sometimes seen that a newspaper is thrown into a crusade for dark reasons that must be avoided (to name one: smear campaigns of a company if it does not include advertising in the medium, sensational news without contrast, content that is published because it sells newspapers ...) I hope that THE WORLD will never fall into these practices, "he explained in a good tone.

The exclusive by Esteban Urreiztieta and Orfeo Suárez on the pact between FC Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid to close the transfer of Antoine Griezmann , the analysis of Olga R. Sanmartín on the process generation or the coverage of Javier Espinosa at the orphanage of the children of IS sex slaves in Syria were only available at noon for subscribers. And of course, the complaints. Well, there you stay and you are making mistakes in social networks. The doors slammed.

But Ricardo Genoa , a native of San Cristóbal de la Laguna (Tenerife) and a resident of Kiev for work reasons, was faithful and clicked. "I have subscribed, first of all, because I have been reading them for some time (I do not buy the paper edition and, even if you enter by advertising, it is logical that you charge for your work ); secondly, because I want to continue reading your opinion articles, as until now, and thirdly for supporting its editorial line, although I don't always agree with it, "he added.

Canario like him, Valentín Hernandez recognized that his favorite contents of EL MUNDO are those related to Spanish and international news, highlighting "the health advice" that Boticaria García has published for a few weeks in the paper supplement.

Who pays, sends, so it was the perfect time for the demands. We open the window: Luis Tejedor asks for "more book criticism"; Ignacio García demands "a summary with the hierarchical news of the day. And if possible, without publicity" and the aforementioned Astarloa almost begs: "Treat Atlético de Madrid better, you see them too Vikings ...".

All this just the day before the newspaper turned 30 . From the green to the golden ball. From the kiosk to the Premium. Always with THE WORLD.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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MediaMuere Alfonso de Salas, one of the founders of El Mundo

Media "A master of publishers"

SpainEl Rey: "THE WORLD is an institution in defense of democracy"