Teller Report

US Senate: Trump, leave soldiers in Syria

10/22/2019, 7:27:34 PM

21.19 The leader of the US Senate Republican majority, Mitch McConnell, will introduce a resolution asking President Donald Trump to stop troop withdrawals from Syria. Days ago, the Chamber approved by a large majority a resolution condemning Trump's decision to withdraw US soldiers from Syria. McConnell's resolution focuses on US "strategic interests" in the Middle East and "recognizes the serious consequences of US withdrawal".


October 22, 201921.19 The leader of the US Senate Republican majority, Mitch McConnell, will introduce a resolution asking President Donald Trump to stop troop withdrawals from Syria. Days ago, the Chamber approved by a large majority a resolution condemning Trump's decision to withdraw US soldiers from Syria. McConnell's resolution focuses on US "strategic interests" in the Middle East and "recognizes the serious consequences of US withdrawal".