Teller Report

The five most prominent reasons for the spread of germs in food

10/22/2019, 11:43:08 PM

Germs live in different types of food, causing illnesses and serious health complications that can sometimes amount to death. Here are the main reasons behind the spread of this "hidden enemy" and how to protect it?

1- Aflatoxin - Mushroom poison
Aflatoxins are natural toxins consisting of various types of Aspergillus (a type of mushroom). Mildew thrives particularly in the tropics and subtropics.

Nuts, seeds, grains and maize are the hardest hit by these toxins, destroying 25% of crops every year, according to the World Health Organization.

Small amounts of aflatoxin can lead to liver cancer and uterine abnormalities, and larger amounts can cause severe liver poisoning or even death.

Also, cooking does not mean the complete elimination of toxins, so it is always necessary to thoroughly examine foods for mold.

2 - Salmonella bacteria
Salmonella is a bacterium found in the gastrointestinal tract of many animals, and the infection is often asymptomatic.

Food is contaminated, especially when hygiene standards are not met. This affects not only chickens and eggs (easily transmitted between them), but also certain foods such as herbal teas and sesame seeds. Cooking helps get rid of bacteria that don't like heat at all.

Salmonella is a bacterium found in the digestive tract of many animals (German)

3 - Escherichia coli and intestinal hemorrhagic
Escherichia coli is an intestinal bacterium that plays very important roles in the body, but those with a weakened immune system may develop a different infection due to Escherichia coli.

The most dangerous are enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). These colon bacteria produce toxins that cause inflammation of the intestine.

4 - Listeria .. rare but dangerous
Listeria are highly adaptable bacteria and appear almost everywhere including our food. If Listeria is present in the body, it can lead to septicemia or meningitis, especially in the elderly and young children, and these bacteria can be eliminated by heat.

5- Norovirus
Not only bacteria, viruses can lead to food contamination, and Norovirus is one of the most common causes of vomiting and diarrhea. As with other bacteria, lack of hygiene is the main entry point for access to food. For this reason, hands should be thoroughly washed in addition to heat (cooking).

Wash your hands
Food can be contaminated during the production process, and can occur in our homes.

Golden rule of cleanliness
For raw meat, use knives and other cutting boards that are not used for cutting and preparing raw vegetables.

In addition, frozen foods should be separated from other foods when purchased, as well as cook meat and fish for at least 10 minutes at 70 ° C and then eat them quickly.