Teller Report

The call for help from a family in Landivisiau to save their 10-year-old son with a brain tumor

10/22/2019, 8:57:51 PM

Androu, aged 10, has just recurred from a brain tumor. His treatment of the last is in the United States, but for this, the family must reap a million euros in 15 days. & Nbsp;

Androu, aged 10, has just recurred from a brain tumor. His treatment of the last is in the United States, but for this, the family must reap a million euros in 15 days.


It is a call for help that relay Europe 1 Tuesday evening. That of the parents of little Androu, 10 years old, who live in Landivisiau in Finistère. After suffering from a brain tumor five years ago, the boy has just re-offended, despite an operation and several treatments.

French oncologists can not do anything

But this time, the oncologists of the Institut Gustave Roussy in Paris will be of no help to the family. "They told us that they did not know how to cure the metastatic recurrence of my son's illness," says Androu's mom, Elena. As a result, French doctors "do not offer anything" to the family, helpless in front of an "unbearable" situation. But Elena refuses to give up. She does not want to "accept this kind of verdict". "The only prospect for us is clinical trials in the US - it's the last chance treatment."

A budget of one million euros

Androu's parents are running in a race against the clock. Because the health of the young boy declines rapidly. They have fifteen days to raise a colossal sum, 1 million euros, to pay "the cost of hospitalization huge on the spot," according to Elena. But the mother of Androu does not lose hope and made his calculations: it would be enough that "100,000 people give 10 euros each" to achieve the goal. That's why they opened an online kitty, which raised nearly 85,000 euros. The Breton family therefore hopes for a great surge of solidarity, "not only at the scale of Finistère or Brittany", but throughout the territory. "Otherwise it will not work," says Elena.

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