Teller Report

Tamm launches smart services for couples in Abu Dhabi

10/22/2019, 10:09:03 PM

Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADAA), through the Abu Dhabi Government Services System (TAM), has recently launched the “Marriage Journey” service, which includes a comprehensive guide for couples to marry citizens and residents, and provides several services, including: medical examination and documentation of the marriage contract and reservation of wedding halls, as well as find partner

Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADAA), through the Abu Dhabi Government Services System (TAM), has recently launched the “Marriage Journey” service, which includes a comprehensive guide for couples to marry citizens and residents, and provides several services, including: medical examination and documentation of the marriage contract and reservation of wedding halls, as well as find A life partner, through the marriage initiative.

Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADAA) said that the launch of the “Journey of Marriage” service through the smart system “TAM” has reduced inquiries received by the Abu Dhabi Government Contact Center by 30%, pointing out that the service is a central platform that provides all information related to marriage, through a simplified trip that includes procedures Prior to documenting the contract, obtaining the marriage grant, up to the marriage ceremony, such as prenuptial medical examination services, awareness and counseling programs through the “Preparation Program”.

The marriage trip service includes six steps: medical examination before marriage, application for marriage contract, legalization of marriage contract, application or updating of registration certificate, application for issuing entry permit or updating residence visa, application for marriage grant.

The Commission stressed that medical examination and counseling before marriage, a mandatory procedure for both parties as a condition of the completion of the marriage contract, noting that the examination and counseling before marriage will enable couples to marry to avoid the transmission of some of the most important genetic and infectious diseases that exist in society. It is also a good opportunity to meet with those wishing to marry a doctor to answer all their inquiries and give them the necessary advice and guidance according to their medical and family history.

She cautioned the importance of medical examination and counseling before marriage, as it reduces the occurrence of congenital malformations, and can prevent genetic blood diseases such as thalassemia and sickle-cell anemia through tests, and reduce the transmission of some sexually transmitted infections in the case of one of the parties, and reduce the transmission of some infectious diseases to the fetus Which can lead to congenital malformations, mental disability and sometimes death, and reduce stress caused by a history of either party or in the case of inbreeding by correcting misconceptions in the event of a family genetic disease, answering their queries, and avoiding the burden of money The psychological and physical in the event of the birth of a child with one of congenital malformations or genetic diseases.

The “Journey of Marriage” service provides the possibility of submitting an application for marriage contract within any unit of the Marriage Contracts Section in the Judicial Department, or requesting that the marriage contract be conducted outside the Chamber through a legal authorized person, in the place specified by the applicant.

Regarding the marriage grant, the Authority provided the possibility to apply for it, pointing out that the Ministry of Community Development provides financial support for those who marry, in order to contribute to the formation of a coherent and stable Emirati family, within the terms and conditions of the grant that contribute to the promotion of marriage to citizens, and the conditions and requirements Obtaining the service: The applicant and his wife must be UAE nationals, the husband should not be less than 21 Gregorian years, the wife's age is 18 at the time of marriage, and he or she cannot afford marriage expenses with limited income and income, or who benefit from social assistance. His net monthly income exceeds AED 25 thousand After deduction of retirement and housing allowance (if any), the grant application shall be submitted within a period not exceeding six months from the date of the marriage contract, and the grant applicant and his wife shall attend the awareness sessions and lectures organized by the Ministry within one year from the date of applying for the marriage grant. The applicant must submit the required documents within a period not exceeding three months from the date of submitting the application. The applicant should not have benefited from the financial grant of marriage at any time or benefited from any other grant in the State or participate in any collective wedding.

Tazwij Initiative

The Abu Dhabi Digital Government Services (TAM) website has provided information on an initiative that paves the way for your partner, Tazwij, a specialized office that provides marriage services to Emiratis looking for the right partner for themselves, their children, or their friends, in accordance with authentic community customs and traditions. Each researcher to find a life partner will register for the initiative, enter all personal data fully, and upon completion the parties acknowledge the accuracy of the data entered. Thereafter, the treatment turns to the acquaintances, where it is in the process of reconciling families, and pave the way for them to build a balanced and stable family, by studying the applications and data of the applicants for marriage individually in a deliberate and completely confidential approach.

• “Service” reduced inquiries to Abu Dhabi Government Contact Center by 30%.