Teller Report

Putin called the decisions following the meeting with Erdogan crucial

10/22/2019, 6:12:28 PM

Russia and Turkey made crucial decisions on the situation in Syria, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said at a press conference following talks in Sochi with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“I cannot but express satisfaction with the fact that, as a result of quite a long and hard work, we managed to reach decisions that after our statements will be voiced by the foreign ministers,” the president said.

As Putin noted, we are talking about decisions that "are very important, if not fateful."

They, according to the head of state, will allow "to resolve a rather acute situation that has developed today on the Syrian-Turkish border."

Later, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov read out the memorandum adopted after the talks.

The text of the document said, including the agreement between Moscow and Ankara, that from October 23, the Russian military police and the Syrian military will be introduced into the area outside the Turkish operation in the SAR.

On October 22, Sochi held talks between Putin and Erdogan, which lasted more than six hours.

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