Teller Report

Persson: "Now the ball lies with the EU"

10/22/2019, 7:48:57 PM

Following Tuesday night's vote in the British lower house, the Brexit ball is now with the EU. Can Member States imagine pushing Brexit - and if so, how long. - Depending on what the EU says, we will see what Boris Johnson's next step will be, says SVT's foreign reporter Anna-Maja Persson in Aktuellt.

During the Tuesday evening, the British lower house voted to continue working with the exit law. In practice, this means that they agree to begin work on making the exit agreement with the EU into British law.

However, they voted against the timeframe proposed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. With that, the Prime Minister's promise of a Brexit likely broke on October 31. Now the ball lies with the EU.

- Boris Johnson has hinted that he might think of a shorter extension. We will see how the EU and Boris Johnson negotiate and if they agree. Boris Johnson may succeed - though not until October 31, but it will be later, says SVT's foreign reporter Anna-Maja Persson.

What will be the next step?

- Boris Johnson said that we are now pausing the law package and the whole process pending hearing what the EU is saying. European Council President Donald Tusk has said tonight that he has begun consultations with the 27 member states to try to agree on how they should act. It is believed that they will offer an extension, but the question is how short or long it will be, says SVT's foreign reporter Anna-Maja Persson.

She continues:

- Depending on what the EU says, we will see what Boris Johnson's next step will be. Will he accept a short extension - and try to get through the agreement with an exit a little later. Or will he, as he has threatened to do, scrap this agreement and try to get through a new election as soon as possible.