Teller Report

National launch of an incentive campaign to eat fiber: "It's good for weight and to prevent diabetes problems"

10/22/2019, 7:03:39 AM

Public Health France launches a national campaign to invite the French to consume more whole grains and legumes, foods rich in fiber.

Public Health France launches a national campaign to invite the French to consume more whole grains and legumes, foods rich in fiber.

Public Health France launches a campaign on Tuesday to encourage eating more whole grains, and more legumes such as lentils, beans, white or red beans. In fact, 60% of French people do not eat enough whole grains and 85% do not obey the recommendation to eat legumes at least twice a week.

These foods are rich in fiber, but they are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. "Today, we are around 17 grams per day for an adult, while we advocate at least 25 grams," reports to Europe 1 nutritionist Raphael Gruman. "The fibers will have different interests: the first is to limit the assimilation of carbohydrates.By having fiber in his diet, it slows down the passage of sugar in the blood.This is beneficial for the weight and to prevent the problems of diabetes, "says the doctor.

Fight against nibbling

The assimilation of fiber is also a good way to limit the consumption of snacks and other sweet or savory snacks during the day. "With the slowing of the sugars in the blood, we will have a longer satiety during the day. lentils or whole pasta for a lunch, we will be much longer in the afternoon without being hungry, which will also avoid snacking, "said Raphael Gruman.