Teller Report

Murder Belardinelli, ultrà denies: "I didn't invest it"

10/22/2019, 2:04:31 PM

His arrest was triggered last Friday, about 10 months after the guerrilla war between ultra that led to the death of Belardinelli

  • Fan killed during Inter-Naples clashes, a murder arrest


22 October 2019 "It was not me who invested Daniele Belardinelli. I was driving the car but at the time of the clashes I simply followed the steering wheel of the police arrived on the spot". This is how Fabio Manduca defended himself, the 39-year-old in prison since last Friday on the charge of having swept and killed, while driving his car, the Varese fan Daniele Belardinelli during the clashes between ultra-exploded bursts not far from the stadium of San Siro last December 26 before the championship match between Inter and Napoli.

In the guarantee interrogation before the investigating magistrate of Milan Guido Salvini, the man (who has a dozen criminal records for criminal association, fraud, receiving, theft and injuries) has practically rejected all the accusations, proclaiming himself completely alien. Manduca has even denied being a fan of Napoli, coming to define himself as an Inter supporter: "I am not a real ultra. I like Inter, so much so that I made the card on December 23. I also went to Barcelona to follow the Nerazzurri" . As for the other four people who were in the car with him, Manduca admitted he only knew Giancarlo Franco, brother of Vincenzo Franco, considered one of the leaders of the ultrà "Mastiffs" group of the Neapolitan curve. "The other 3 - he had the 39-year-old put on record - I met them that same morning."

Manduca is accused of voluntary murder. His arrest was triggered last Friday, about 10 months after the guerrilla war between ultra-highs that led to the death of Belardinelli, nicknamed "Dede" and leader of the extreme right-wing group "Blood and Honor" of the Varese curve whose fans are twinned with that Inter. Investigators of the Milan Digos coordinated by public prosecutors Rosaria Stagnaro and Michela Bordieri went back to him after a long and complex investigation based mainly on the analysis of telephone and environmental interceptions and on the examination of the surveillance images of the (few) surveillance cameras of the area. Video where you see a group of ultras interists who launches the assault on the "caravan" of Neapolitan supporters who was driving along via Novara, about two kilometers away from the Meazza stadium.

In the investigative proceedings there are several films that capture the car of Manduca, a Ranault Kadjar, during the clashes, but the scene of the investment is missing. Instead, an interception by telephone to frame Manduca, according to Milanese investigators: "But what a murder he threw himself under the car", says the 39-year-old on the phone with a friend.