Teller Report

China-critical Bergman is chasing the World Cup title in China

10/22/2019, 6:39:28 AM

Orienteer Gustav Bergman does not want to compete in undemocratic China, but this is exactly where he can secure victory in the overall World Cup. So he goes to China, but under protest. "China is a country that does not respect human rights, and I think we have a responsibility to mark against them," Gustav Bergman told SVT Sport.

Gustav Bergman is the world star who would have liked to stay at home in Bagarmossen before China, for political reasons. It's just that he, who this year has taken the World Cup silver in the middle distance and decided the World Cup relay for gold for Sweden, has the grip on the overall world cup ahead of the last two competitions in Guangzhou, China.

- I considered staying at home, because I do not mean that we will be competing in these countries, but at the same time I may not get the chance to win the World Cup again, which made the decision more difficult, says Gustav Bergman.

Do sport and politics come together?

- Yes, definitely. It goes without saying that it belongs. It is like saying that business or finance is not related to politics.

And you have power, you mean?

- Yes, I sit on a slightly larger platform than most, and then I think it's up to me to try to use it.

Gustav Bergman has previously nobbat the O-Ring's 5-day in Sweden since one of the sponsors was a weapons manufacturer. But now he will go to China to win the World Cup.

- It is partly a selfish decision. If I had not been in that situation it would have been much easier to just stay home and say that I do not think we should go to China, says Gustav Bergman to SVT Sport.

We asked Gustav Bergman for a test on China-related issues. See in the clip how he answered.


Quiz: Five quick China questions with Gustav Bergman Photo: SVT

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