Teller Report

Arcelor Mittal, Patuanelli: guaranteeing production continuity. I will meet the company

10/22/2019, 4:33:39 PM

The Industry and Labor Commissions yesterday approved the amendment canceling the penal shield for the former Ilva. The metalworkers' unions are calling for an urgent meeting with the minister on the future of the steelworks in Taranto

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22 October 2019 "I believe that this country must have a serious industrial plan and there is no industrial plan without steel production in the country". Thus the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, speaking in the Chamber of Deputies at the end of the discussion on business. Yesterday the Industry and Labor Commissions approved the amendment that cancels the penal shield for the former Ilva, now Arcelor Mittal.

Patuanelli-company meeting
"A point of equilibrium, which through a rethinking of the plants, in agreement with who the plants manage them, is possible" said Patuanelli. "There is productive activity, employment avoiding damage to the health of citizens. They can be held together - concluded Patuanelli - and I will talk about this with the company I will meet in the next few hours".

Patuanelli: guaranteeing production continuity
I believe that there are no reasons for not continuing production, the minister concluded. An agenda was accepted - he said - which commits the government to guarantee the production continuity of the plant.

Ex ilva, Salvini: from incapacity Renzi, Conte and Di Maio unemployment and slavery
"The League is on the side of the workers, of the 15 thousand Apulian, Ligurian and Piedmontese families who risk finding themselves out of work due to the inability of Renzi, Conte and Di Maio, to be added to that of Emiliano, to give concrete answers to revive the ex Ilva. Closing the doors to Arcelor Mittal, without solving Taranto's environmental problems and making us slaves of steel produced abroad, is madness. " Thus the leader of the League Matteo Salvini.

Fiom and Fim Genoa: if hands on employment we will react
There is also growing concern in Genoa after the exclusion from the decree of the Arcelor Mittal norm on criminal immunity. "The cancellation of the criminal protection is an act of rupture of the agreement between the government and the Mittal - comments the Genoese secretary of the Fiom Bruno Manganaro - and months ago the company had announced that in front of this it would have reacted by stopping the plant of Taranto Now we don't know what Mittal will decide to do, but the only certain thing is that in Genoa nobody can question not only the union agreement of a year ago but neither the program agreement that means for us a thousand workers in Mittal and 280 out with the same income. For the Fiom "if someone thinks of questioning these two agreements, he knows that we will react accordingly." "One cannot think of overturning an agreement like the one made between the government and Mittal - adds the secretary of the Fim Cisl Liguria Alessandro Vella - also because we must not give the company an excuse to retire: this would be a huge problem for the environmentalization of Taranto and an equally big problem for the ployment. This decree puts the future of the steel industry at risk and we certainly will not allow it ".

Requested union-minister meeting
The metalworkers' unions called for an urgent meeting with development minister Patuanelli on Arcelor Mittal's Taranto steel mills future.