Teller Report

Antonov: there are no formal obstacles to Butina’s return to Russia

10/22/2019, 11:54:28 PM

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said there were no formal obstacles to the return of Russian Maria Butina to Russia from the United States, where she is currently serving her sentence.

This is stated in the comment by Antonov on the page of the Russian embassy on Facebook.

“After serving her sentence, she is subject to deportation to Russia. As practice shows, the expulsion process can take several days or more. There are no formal obstacles to her return: Maria’s international passport was handed over to the US immigration authorities in advance to expedite the deportation of the Russian woman, ”the diplomat said.

According to him, the diplomatic mission sent a note to the State Department with a request to clarify the procedure for Butina's return to Russia, and the American side has already replied that the United States complies with all the rules and regulations in the framework of this issue.

“Moreover, our appeal was reported to the White House, the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Prison Bureau were notified. Interlocutors in the State Department promised to keep abreast of what is happening, ”the ambassador added.

Earlier, the head of the State Duma’s foreign affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky, said that Butina would have to return to Russia within three days after being released from Florida prison on October 25.

In September, human rights activist Alexander Ionov told the FAN that the United States would not prevent Butina from returning to Russia immediately after being released from an American prison.