Teller Report

“He shot a popular movie that became elite”: 85 years since the birth of Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich

10/22/2019, 6:27:34 AM

October 22 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet and Russian director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich. His films were often scolded by censors, but the audience certainly praised them. Yungvald-Khilkevich released the iconic film adaptations of Dumas' novels - the films D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers, The Prisoner of If Castle, and others; directed a number of musical films (for example, the two-part television movie "Above the Rainbow"). Also, the filmmaker staged performances - including with Yuri Kuklachev. Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, died on November 11, 2015 from heart failure. He was 81 years old.