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"I'm not ready for this": what the fans of the saga say about the trailer for the new Star Wars

10/22/2019, 1:45:28 PM

Disney published the final trailer for the ninth episode of Star Wars. It is expected that the movie with the prefix "Skywalker. Sunrise ”will put an end to the many years of confrontation between the Sith and the Jedi, and also draw a line under the history of the Skywalker family. In the tape played Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac and Mark Hamill. Fans of the franchise reacted differently to the trailer: in some it caused tears of joy and tenderness, in others - dislike. Many fans believe that reanimating Star Wars after the previous, not the most successful part of the series, will fail.

Disney released the final trailer for the ninth episode of the Star Wars saga - Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise". The video appeared on the official Star Wars YouTube channel.

The film will complete the trilogy of Star Wars sequels, draw a line under the history of the Skywalker family, and also show the culmination of a centuries-old confrontation between the Jedi and the Sith. It is expected that after the franchise will move in a fundamentally new direction.

“The saga will end. History will live forever, ”says the video’s tagline.

Daisy Ridley (Ray), Adam Driver (Kylo Ren), John Boyega (Finn) and Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) returned to their roles. Details of the finale of the trilogy have not yet been revealed, however, it is known that in the ninth episode, viewers recognize the names of Rei's parents. In addition, the performer of the role of Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill, answering a question from one of the fans of the saga about the plot of the film, succinctly answered that this was his “last episode”.

My final episode.

- Mark Hamillween (@HamillHimself) June 30, 2019

Hamill already mentioned that he would not want to return to the franchise. The actor noted that “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” by Ryan Johnson completed the story of Luke Skywalker, and in the new part the artist was needed mainly due to the peculiarities of the mythology of “Star Wars”.

Franchise Funeral Under Exciting Soundtrack

The picture of Ryan Johnson divided the audience into two camps. Some noted that some of the plotted lines (for example, the issue of identifying Ray) in Star Wars are inappropriate. Critics called Johnson’s tape a reworking of previous films and compared it to a mediocre band performing hits by other musicians.

Others, on the contrary, claimed that filmmakers were able to teach references to original films not as a fan service, but as part of mythology.

An ambiguous reaction of the audience was expectedly caused by the trailer of the Skywalker. Sunrise". Some fans of the saga found the video moving and to some extent a tribute to actress Carrie Fisher. Fans noticed that the trailer was published on the actress's birthday.

  • A scene from the movie Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise"
  • ©

“In the final shots of the final trailer for Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise ”, released on Carrie Fisher’s birthday, the word“ Always ”is spoken by General Leia Organa. It's just perfect. Star Wars, I'm yours. You hit me right in the heart, ”said one of the users of Twitter.

Many drew attention to the final shots of the trailer and the replicas of the main characters, especially the words of Leah.

“I have reviewed the video four or five times already and I can not help but cry. Tripio's words: “I want to take a last look ... at friends” and the final shots when Leia / Carrie says “Always” ... I'm not ready for this, ”another commentator shared his impression.

Some fans of the saga highlighted the soundtrack created for the ninth episode of Star Wars. In the video, a variation on the main theme from the franchise sounds. The music for the picture was written by the American composer John Williams, the author of the soundtracks for the films Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Jaws and Schindler's List.

“I know that everyone will evaluate the video, but I must say that the trailer for Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "is just awesome music. An unexpectedly breaking delicate arpeggio, followed by a grandiose slow-motion version of the main theme performed by an entire orchestra, ”said the fan of the saga.

Some viewers still offer not to expect much from the movie Skywalker. Sunrise".

Well, as expected, the Star Wars trailer: Skywalker. Sunrise "turned out to be complete bullshit. The completely predictable final battle between Rei and Kylo. "Defying fear is the fate of the Jedi." Are you serious? Yes, Luke hid from fear like a coward throughout the Last Jedi. Incoherent nonsense, that’s what it is, ”one of Twitter users laments.

Others are confident that continuing to monitor the franchise after The Last Jedi was released in 2017 does not make sense: “This is me watching a movie from the new Star Wars movie after The Last Jedi buried the entire trilogy.”

Me watching the new star wars trailer after The Last Jedi ruined the this trilogy # / aywi1GumGp

- Anthony Edward Stark (@ obiwancourtnob1) October 22, 2019

Trailer Skywalker. Sunrise "looks monstrous and confirms leaks with Reddit. It’s a pity to see Star Wars in such a deplorable state, ”one of the netizens shared his opinion.

The world premiere of the ninth episode will take place on December 18, 2019. In Russia, the picture will be released a day later.