Teller Report

For Florence Servan-Schreiber, "living your kifs would save up to 7 years of life expectancy"

10/21/2019, 5:03:44 PM

Florence Servan-Schreiber, professor of happiness and author of "Three kifs a day", details on Europe 1 her method to keep up the morale with the arrival of autumn. & Nbsp;

Florence Servan-Schreiber, professor of happiness and author of "Three kifs per day", details on Europe 1 his method to keep up the morale with the arrival of autumn.


As the greyness sets in, as the cold gains ground, our morale takes a hit. The arrival of autumn also means for some French the beginning of a period of depression. She is quite normal for Florence Servan-Schreiber, "professor of happiness". Guest of the show Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, Monday, she explained despite everything that the weather had no impact on this "personal perception" that is happiness. "People who live in the south are not happier than people who live in the north," she says. But with the transition from summer to autumn, "we feel that the way we feel will change".

The part of genetics

And in the face of happiness, we are not all equal, because "genetics has its share", for Florence Servan-Schreiber. Our brain has the ability to generate neurotransmitters, such as endorphins or oxytocin. Except that this gene is not the same size in every human being. "The longer it is, the more you secrete, and the more you will be of a happy temperament," says the teacher of happiness.

Three kifs per day

However, like all other muscles, the brain can be trained to focus more on the positive than the negative. For this, Florence Servan-Schreiber advocates the method of three kifs per day. Based on gratitude, it consists of "saying thank you" for things that have happened to us. "You just have to be aware of the amount of wonder that comes from outside of us," she says. Florence Servan-Schreiber advises to focus on this task at night. And this can work miracles, because this emotion can have physiological repercussions on our immune system. Living your kifs would thus make it possible to "earn up to 7 years of life expectancy".

Long live green vegetables

Diet also has a role to play in happiness. Some of them will indeed help us to be happier, like green vegetables, "because they contain more vitamin B6", explains Florence Servan-Schreiber.

And this vitamin is very important for the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, we must forget the belief that with winter, we want to eat more fat. Even if the foods that make us happiest, "those are the ones we love," consuming fat things to be happy, "it's not going to work," concludes the happiness teacher.