Teller Report

Garbage against the Government, the Mossos, the Constitution and the sentence of 'procés': "Do not touch our children"

10/20/2019, 7:57:27 PM

The independence protest in Barcelona had been convened this Sunday in front of the Government Delegation, but the protesters have not been able to access their objective. From to

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  • The cops. "We've been close to losing the battle. They were looking for a dead man."

The independence protest in Barcelona had been convened this Sunday in front of the Government Delegation, but the protesters have not been able to access their objective. From at least one hour before, all the streets that gave access to the government building were cut by the Mossos d'Esquadra and the National Police, who have also prevented the passage of the press. Only neighbors who accredited living in the area were allowed access. It is the first time, in the seven days of protest since the sentence of the procés was known, that the protesters are prevented from accessing the place of the convocation.

The appointment was at 6:00 pm and, before the unexpected, half an hour before the protesters already had new instructions through social networks. The focus of the protest moved to the intersection of Mallorca and Bruc streets, just in front of one of the barriers established by the Police. Called by Picnic for democracy and the CoR, the slogan this Sunday was to go with garbage bags to the Government Delegation, and so have done many of the several thousand people who have congregated at the cited crossing. Hundreds of garbage bags have been thrown between the protective fence and the two vans of the Mossos d'Esquadra that were behind them.

The agents of the Autonomous Police, which they have called 'botiflers' -apodo that is used as a synonym for traitors to the homeland and that has its origin in the War of Spanish Succession in which the Bourbon dynasty was eventually established in front of the Austrias-, have been one of the main objectives of the slogans that the participants have shouted, as "you do not deserve the flag that you carry" in reference to the shield of the uniform. A middle-aged lady carried a sign that read: "Don't touch our children."

The appointment has ended at 8:00 pm without degenerating into incidents and serious altercations as happened on other days of this week. At one point, some of the concentrates set the bags on fire. Two protesters have rushed to circumvent the police blockade and turn them off to the cry of "we are people of peace." The atmosphere was festive and there were people of all ages. Some neighbors have also been cheered when they threw garbage bags from their balconies and a corridor has been opened when more people were there for a wheelchair-based octogenarian to deposit their garbage bag or a girl who has thrown into on the other side of the police cord a cardboard simulating a coffin in which "Franco" was read. Several kids approached with a megaphone and a copy of the Constitution: "Attention, attention, we will throw the Spanish Constitution," they said among cheers.

Several people talked about the riots of previous nights. "Young people need violence and they also justify themselves," said a 45-year-old man pointing to the Mossos. "I do not believe that young people need violence, they are outraged and believe they have the right to protest," said a 47-year-old woman, granddaughter of a Madrid born in La Puerta del Sol in Madrid. "Our children have 10 years seeing that we have taken them to the demonstrations and that we have not achieved anything. Now they tell us to leave them," said another man whose two oldest children, aged 19 and 23, have been on the street during the most violent protests of the night. "We are telling them every 15 minutes to come home and they don't pay attention to us. ...

At nightfall, the concentrates have been encouraged to light the flashlights of their mobiles and an unknown silence has been made for a brief moment these days in Barcelona

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  • Violence Catalonia
  • Catalonia
  • Barcelona
  • Proced judgment

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