Teller Report


10/20/2019, 12:10:21 AM

The UAE whistle remains one of the national gains that played an important role in the regional and continental arenas, with many achievements in various fields and forums. Perhaps the efforts made and the money spent to qualify a generation after every football era have paid dividends in obtaining

The UAE whistle remains one of the national achievements that played an important role in the regional and continental arenas, achieving many achievements in various fields and forums.

The efforts made, and the money spent to rehabilitate a generation after every football era, have paid dividends in acquiring distinctive competencies at various times, and they are still making their way to stardom efficiently and competently, to book their seat among the top whistle of the continent.

In spite of the challenges and difficulties surrounding this vital corps, its members did not succumb to those obstacles and barriers, but on the contrary did their best to reach this sector to the ranks of the elite and excellence, inspired by success stories and creativity from their predecessors in this field.

However, what is happening in the corridors of arbitration, in recent times, has created a flaw in his system, reflecting the consequences and deviations caused by the path from which sometimes came out of the provisions of transparency, and ambiguity, to cause some to leave early, and stopped his career in the arbitration process, which observers considered torpedo The efforts and abilities were built with effort and time until it reached this degree.

It is no secret to many of the differences and conflicts that erupt and sometimes surfacing, with which the reaction varies, some of which accelerate the pace to extinguish its sparks before it rages its flames, which puts this wire in the critical area and pushes it to the circle of light, drawing attention and attention to see what is going on in its corridors .

There is no doubt that the output of this sector has not kept pace with the aspirations and requirements in the past years, especially as the rectangle is suffering a scarcity of the distinctive whistle, compared to the previous decades, which threw the accusation in the arena of technical management, which many blame for the retreat and volatility arbitration in our stadiums, as also carried by the forced expulsion of some Competencies, without regard to their services and their long struggle in the stadiums.

So the perplexing question remains as to why the local element of the competent and experienced, the world and the perceptive of the insider and its secrets is marginalized? Is that due to the fact that our local arena has become empty and there is no one fit to be at the top of this sector as it was in the past?

Many puzzling questions revolve around the whistle of the whistle, which is considered a key part of the football system, recognizing that its administration and conduct of its affairs is closer to the country than others, recalling also the National Initiative for the Occupation of Professions, which is a government requirement for this year, which is obliged to the various state institutions to keep up with it, and take What would be the localization of jobs, and wondering as well as does this apply to the institution of the Football Federation ?!

Twitter: @Yousif_alahmed

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