Teller Report

«Tawteen» launches an updated version of «Virtual Labor Market»

10/20/2019, 10:09:06 PM

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has announced an updated version of the electronic platform «Virtual Labor Market» to allow job seekers inside and outside the country to enter their CVs and create their own files and to see the job vacancies announced by companies in the UAE

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has announced an updated version of the electronic platform «Virtual Labor Market» to allow job seekers inside and outside the country to enter their CVs and create their own files and to see the job vacancies announced by companies in the UAE on the website And apply for these jobs.

The Assistant Undersecretary for Labor Affairs, Aisha Al-Herafi said: “The new virtual labor market is an innovative platform to provide employment services for job seekers and companies according to the artificial intelligence system that will facilitate the process of matching the job requirements announced by companies and job seekers files. That are created and uploaded to a website that aims to connect the parties in an interactive way.

She pointed out that the Virtual Labor Market Initiative comes from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation's endeavor to provide a reliable electronic employment service through an official platform that ensures the confidentiality of information and data, and in line with the standards of the UAE government service program, especially as the website works under the supervision of the Ministry.

She stressed the ease of use of the «virtual labor market», which was designed to simplify the journey of searching for a job that suits the capabilities and skills of the job seeker who can access the website and create a professional profile easily, and see the career opportunities available to companies, and thus apply to the appropriate job that Match and profile. She explained that the «virtual labor market» would help companies in the country to meet their job needs, especially talent, where they can create a page of their own and display their vacancies, as well as search on the website for the required competencies of job seekers according to their personal files.

She added that the characteristics of the site allows companies to know the proportion between the files of job seekers and job requirements required, as well as tracking the professional development of file owners registered in the virtual labor market according to a smart system, which will accelerate the recruitment processes with high accuracy.

She called on craftsmen and job seekers to register in the virtual labor market, thus benefiting from the employment services provided by both parties with ease.