Teller Report

Tusk had a telephone conversation with Johnson on the situation with Brexitis

10/19/2019, 8:07:21 PM

The head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, announced that he had discussed the situation with Brexit by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and expects an official letter from him in connection with the support of the British deputies for the amendment on the postponement of the exit of the kingdom from the EU.

“I'm waiting for a letter. I just discussed the situation with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson after the vote in the House of Commons, ”Tusk wrote on his Twitter.

According to Sky News, Johnson will send a letter to Tusk requesting a new transfer of Brexit by the end of the day.

Earlier, the EU called on London to inform the alliance about further actions on Brexit.

On October 19, British parliamentarians voted in favor of an amendment requiring Johnson to request a new postponement of Britain's exit from the European Union.

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