Teller Report

Top 14: Montpellier reassures itself at the expense of Toulouse

10/19/2019, 4:25:27 PM

Top 14: Montpellier reassures itself at the expense of Toulouse

Montpellier (AFP)

If not reassured, Montpellier is at least relieved to have returned to victory (33-22) at the expense of Toulouse, champion of France always silent outside, Saturday at GGL Stadium opening the 8th day of Top 14.

In this meeting between two clubs weakened by the absence of many internationals retained by the World Cup, the MHR capitalized on the ascendancy taken in the first period and scored three tries by his wingmen Gabriel Ngandebe (23, 38) and Timoci Nagusa (72), who played his 200th match under the colors Hérault

The team of ex-Toulouse Xavier Garbajosa temporarily takes the fourth place but especially breathes better. She won the meeting she should not lose under penalty of plunging into a crisis of confidence: Montpellier had not won since the third day on September 7 and his home success in front of La Rochelle (30-16).

Toulouse always runs after a first success outside. At the end of the first third of the championship, he is promised to remain stuck in the middle of the ranking while waiting for the return of the internationals. The many young people launched during this meeting did not meet the expectations of the staff, especially during a disappointing first act.

Master of the game, Montpellier led his hand the first period in front of Toulouse amorphous, unruly and quickly overwhelmed. The young winger Gabriel Ngandebe took the opportunity to register a double on balls well removed by the South African back Henry Immelman.

Visibly unhappy Toulouse coach Ugo Mola made four changes at half-time, including Maks Van Dyk and Iosefa Tekori. Twenty minutes from the end, thanks to a try by South African winger Werner Kok (50) and two penalties from Thomas Ramos, Toulouse returned to seven points from the MHR (20-13).

But Montpellier, despite an avalanche of fouls, managed to manage the end of the match, the indomitable Fijian winger Timoci Nagusa putting his family safe (72). Here he is relieved, while waiting better.

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