Teller Report

The expert commented on the approval of the amendment on the postponement of Brexit

10/19/2019, 4:10:21 PM

Director of the Center for European Information, Associate Professor of MGIMO, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nikolai Topornin, commented on the RT message that the British deputies supported the amendment, which obliges Prime Minister Boris Johnson to request a new deferment of Brexit from the European Union.

“A unique situation is emerging: the parliament takes a somewhat cowardly position, he does not want to say yes or no on the (new) deal, he begins to accept amendments, additions ... He wants to shift the responsibility to Johnson,” said Topornin.

According to the expert, the British prime minister does not want to ask for a postponement.

“He (Johnson.— RT ) said that this was not his policy; he wants to withdraw the country on October 31, as planned. In Brussels, they noted that they received the results of the vote on the amendment, but this was not a vote on the new deal, ”he explained.

According to Topornin, the European Union is now just watching what is happening, as he went forward and approved the new proposal, so now the floor remains with the British Parliament.

Earlier, British deputies approved the amendment on the postponement of Brexit.

On October 17, the EU and the United Kingdom reached an agreement on a new Brexit deal.

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