Teller Report

Neighbors speak after the riots: "They are riddling us in our own land"

10/19/2019, 11:37:32 PM

Barcelona, ​​stripped up and down by this guerrilla that does not cease, dawned yesterday Saturday - and they have been six days as sacks - counting their scars. Surprise pa

Barcelona, ​​stripped up and down by this guerrilla that does not cease, dawned yesterday Saturday - and they have been six days as sacks - counting their scars. Surprising stroll through the city already dawned, even with the remains of the embers on the asphalt, while people and shops recover their pulse after Friday's strike. Life makes its way step by step, as if nothing; and Las Ramblas, a fabulous artery in which all possible Barcelona come together, are the best thermometer of how normality tries to impose itself on schizophrenia last week .

First example: the Liceu Theater , where these days the opera Turandot is represented, raised the curtain yesterday after the strike stopped. More clues, more color: Friday was not a good day to buy flowers. A few meters from the theater, the florists of the promenade, a traditional symbol of the best City of Barcelona, ​​also threw the lock. Just in case. And yesterday, with the usual charanga every Saturday, they returned to sell springs to tourists. "A Zara store is not the same as my position," says the owner of one of these kiosks who prefers to remain anonymous. «If he suddenly bundles, a shop lowers the blinds and that's it; I have to collect the plants one by one, remove the shelves ... The pots, moreover, are on metal structures that are pure vitamin for the violent. Do you know the damage they can do with these irons? ».

In the Boqueria Market, 80% of the positions remained closed. Tourists who dropped by their branch of uninhabited passages asked, with tremendous disregard, "what party is celebrated here," as if Barcelona were on an employer's holiday , or God knows. Who did not close, neither on Friday nor ever because with the affairs of the fly there are no schedules, was the Erotic Museum, another of the mandatory pins in the Google Maps of Las Ramblas. Nor the ONCE kiosks, things of chance. Neither Pepe and Mijail, pianist and trumpeter who liven up the Gothic walls of the Cathedral with their music .

However, tourist iconography finds one of its main wicker on cruise ships. In high season, an average of four or five of these mammoth aquatic hotels dock daily in Barcelona. Moral: between 8,000 and 10,000 travelers arrive - or leave - from the city through the Mediterranean . And although normality was total yesterday in the port, some workers of this cruise fever still shudder to remember the chaos of the strike. For three hours, the police closed the Carbon Roundabout , which communicates the port with the center, and tourists who embarked, or disembarked, or had scheduled excursions, had to walk, many of them with suitcases, in a painful entourage that at times looked like a parade of souls.

On this walk through the chicha calm of the day after, the hangover of the strike takes us back to Via Laietana , where the fumes of the pitched battle still come off. And it is there, at the gates of the Superior Police Headquarters, where a hundred people gathered spontaneously yesterday after 12.00 noon. For the first time since the sentence was known on Monday, entire families wanted to show their support to the agents that these days have stifled the riots. The stelades, then, gave way to some Spanish flags that served as props to the improvised slogans of up Spain! , you are not alone or the Police are all . Deliverymen from all over the country approached with droppers to deliver to the agents bouquets of flowers , deposited on the fences that served as trenches on Friday, now converted into altar wizards.

«I am 54 years old and since this morning I cannot stop crying», tells María EL MUNDO tangled in tears. «I am Catalan, I am Spanish, and I no longer want to live quietly. We have endured independentist indoctrination without questioning, but it's over. There are friends of my husband who have banned me at meetings, ”she continues, afflicted,“ real friends, with whom we spent the end of the year, who do not speak to me to avoid arguments. What have I done to them? They are riddling us in our own land . There is nothing left of that spirit of 92 , and it is terrible . Barcelona hurts. It hurts me a lot".

More flowers arrive, and pizzas, and cheers, some Iberian ham. And it came for when the service ended.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Violence Catalonia
  • Proced judgment
  • Barcelona

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