Teller Report

Hotels suffered and economies lost .. Thomas Cook and bankruptcy story swept away global tourism

10/19/2019, 6:19:21 PM

The suspension of all Thomas Cook operations has left travelers, hotel owners, airlines and travel agents helpless, and the entire tourism industry has been seriously concerned for the future.

In a joint report by five journalists, the French newspaper Le Figaro tried to highlight the sudden bankruptcy of Thomas Cook from a wedding provided by the company as a surprise to two brides of the same name, who woke up before the news of the bankruptcy of their trip.

Despite the bad news, the two-year concert was arranged with the tour operator, where he made all his reservations for 11,000 euros, including plane tickets, 30 guests, flowers and evenings. Thomas and his social networking partner commented that "the surprise was great."

Beginning of the story
The bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, which caused a national shock in the UK, triggered a tsunami of the entire world tourism system, with the fate of the world's oldest tour operator (founded in 1841 in London) when the government refused to save him on September 23.

At 3 am, in the absence of an agreement with creditors, the company sought a judicial liquidation, with an immediate halt to its activities, starting with the parent company's aircraft flights, thereby losing its 9,000 UK employees.

The entire tourism sector was seriously concerned about its future after the company's bankruptcy (Reuters)

Save what can be saved
The bankruptcy of Thomas Cook left behind 600,000 stranded passengers, including 150,000 Britons, 140,000 Germans, 17,000 Swedes, 10,000 Dutch and many French, most of whom went to enjoy the end of the season around the Mediterranean, Spain, Greece, Morocco and Tunisia. .

States have yet to regulate the return of these travelers, as the European directive requires each country to ensure the repatriation of its citizens, which they did in an atmosphere of chaos and tension.

In London, authorities launched Operation Matterhorn, the most important since the end of World War II, with 150 planes taking part in an airlift to return stranded citizens abroad.

She sometimes felt bad during Thomas Cook's disintegration, and some even disavowed hospitality. Passengers at Charles de Gaulle airport were taken off the plane to Los Angeles because the company did not pay the salaries of the staff. With the rumors of bankruptcy spreading, Hammamet in Tunisia refused to return the passports of British inmates by the end of their stay.

When Thomas Cook disintegrated, passengers were disembarked at some airports from the plane that was going to take them

The most affected destination
In the capital Rabat, the newspaper said, the Ministry of Tourism has collected a crisis unit, and the National Tourism Council published reassuring video messages on his Twitter account, because the aim was not to let the case destroy the image of the Kingdom.

The paper pointed out that the impact of the bankruptcy of the company was mostly economic in all places, as it was spent overnight after 23 September, the insurance cover was revealed for all bookings after this date, raising fears among hotel owners of the specter of bankruptcy.

She cited examples of hotels in Tunisia that sold more than 75% of their nights to the bankrupt company, noting that the worst may be on the way, as many tourists canceled their projects to bankrupt Thomas Cook, and some hotels were immediately closed because they were 100% dependent on a tour operator bankrupt.

The most affected destination is the Canary Islands, where tourism accounts for 36% of GDP in this region, where Thomas Cook occupied 25% of the rooms, and Balearic Islands, where there are 13 thousand jobs threatened in the archipelago.

In the United Kingdom, the collapse of a 178-year-old institution has increased the climate of uncertainty, with some seeing a bad omen, while others say the success of Operation Matterhorn proves that the country is ready for a difficult exit from the EU.

In this recession, some professionals prefer to be optimistic. The bankruptcy of Thomas Cook will create fresh air for its competitors. According to Mustapha Mohamed, deputy manager of Kenzi Europe Hotel in Agadir, customers already booked through Thomas Cook will not give up traveling to Morocco, They will reprogram their flights online.