Teller Report

Finally, Ruth, 101, got parachuted

10/19/2019, 4:52:21 PM

The parachute was scheduled for September, but strong winds put a stop to it then. But on Saturday, it was finally time for Ruth Larsson, 101, to throw herself out of an airplane.

It is a satisfied Ruth Larsson from Mjölby who answers the phone when SVT News Öst calls on Saturday evening to congratulate the parachute jump.

- It felt pretty wonderful. It was nice air, says Ruth Larsson.

Has flown glider and paragliding

She has flown gliders and paragliders in the past. There was only the parachute left.

- Everyone should try to parachute, says Ruth Larsson.

The first parachute jump was scheduled for mid-September this year, but then it was too strong winds and the jump had to be canceled.

American had before

Daughter Ulla Eriksson Bergman says that it was possible to enter the Guinness Record Book as the oldest woman to parachute, but between the first set and Saturday's jump, an American of 103 years before.

- It was a bit annoying I think, says Ulla Eriksson Bergman.

She adds that it did not matter to her mother Ruth Larsson.

- Not at all. She was so happy anyway, ”says Ulla Eriksson Bergman.