Teller Report

Demonstrations in Lebanon .. The army solidarity and the government is moving to balance without new taxes

10/19/2019, 8:52:21 PM

Lebanese Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said on Saturday after meeting Prime Minister Saad Hariri that they had agreed to a final budget that does not include any taxes or additional fees and cancel all projects submitted in this regard, in an attempt to calm widespread protests.

Adopting the budget would help Lebanon get the billions of dollars pledged by international donors, provided long-awaited reforms are implemented to eliminate waste and corruption.

Hariri 's house witnessed internal meetings and continuous meetings in order to reach a solution to the current crisis, while Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Twitter, "there will be a reassuring solution to the crisis."

Hariri said in a tweet through his account on Twitter, that the center (his home) beehive today, where (held) internal meetings and other technical and communications and meetings away from the media, before the announcement of the approval of the new budget.

Hariri had asked the demonstrators to give him 72 hours to present a solution satisfying the street and the international community.

Protests pervade several areas of Lebanon and witnessed the arrest of some demonstrators (Reuters)

This comes as demonstrators re-cut the main road between the capital Beirut and the northern governorate, and saw a limited number of towns in Mount Lebanon and the Bekaa gatherings of dozens of activists, while others protested in front of the Serail government in Beirut.

The leadership of the Lebanese army, in solidarity with the demands of the demonstrators in the protests in the country since last Thursday, and called on them to peacefully express their demands and rights.

The security forces reopened roads in the center of the capital last night after dispersing demonstrators using tear gas, and announced the arrest of forty people during what they described acts of sabotage, and referred them to the judiciary.

Activists said that dozens of demonstrators were injured during the breaking up of the sit-in, and circulated video clips showing the exposure of gunmen, demonstrators in southern Lebanon while protesting the economic and social conditions in the country.

The demonstrators accused these gunmen of attacking a number of participants in the popular movements in the southern city of Tire, which led to the injury of a number of them were injured.

Since last Thursday, the Lebanese capital and several areas have witnessed an all-out movement that has not excluded an area, party, sect or leader in unprecedented protest movements for years, rejecting the government's approach to adopting new taxes at a time when citizens can no longer afford the cost of living, unemployment and poor public services.

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For its part, Lebanese Interior Minister Raya Hassan announced the intention of the ministry to release most of the detainees in the protests taking place in the country, the deed of residence.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said his party does not support the government's resignation following mass protests across Lebanon, saying the country has little time to resolve the economic crisis.

Nasrallah added that he supports the current government "but in a new spirit and a new methodology," and that the ongoing protests show that the way out of this crisis is not to impose new taxes and fees on the poor and low-income people.

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