Teller Report

Brexit: Macron asks Johnson for quick clarification

10/19/2019, 6:31:21 PM

After the vote of the British deputies postponing the decision on the agreement between Brussels and London, the French head of state asked Boris Johnson a quick clarification.

After the vote of the British deputies postponing the decision on the agreement between Brussels and London, the French head of state asked Boris Johnson a quick clarification.

Emmanuel Macron has asked Boris Johnson a quick clarification on the Brexit agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom and stressed that an additional delay would not be in the interest of any party, reported the Elysee Saturday. After the vote of the British deputies postponing the decision on this agreement, "the President of the Republic met this afternoon with the British Prime Minister," said the same source.

"Extra time is not in anyone's interest"

"An agreement has been negotiated, it is now up to the British Parliament to say whether it approves or rejects it.It needs a vote on the substance.An additional delay is in the interest of anyone," had argued the French presidency in a first reaction. British MPs decided Saturday, by 322 votes to 306, to postpone their decision, which will force Boris Johnson to ask the Europeans a new postponement of the divorce. But the British Prime Minister immediately reiterated his determination to leave his country at all costs from the EU on 31 October.

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Emmanuel Macron had said Thursday "reasonably confident" about a ratification by the British Parliament of the Brexit agreement, saying he wants to "believe that Boris Johnson will have a majority". He had however expressed "a legitimate caution because, informed by history, we know that parliaments may not be in the agreement".