Teller Report

Borisov assessed the likelihood of a new contract for the supply of air defense systems in Turkey

10/19/2019, 6:40:21 PM

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that there is a high probability of concluding a new contract with Turkey for the supply of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) following the S-400 systems already acquired by Ankara.

It is reported by Interfax.

“I think a high probability. They have an option, I think they have the right to exercise it, ”he said in response to a corresponding question.

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the third phase of the supply of S-400 will be completed in November or December of this year.

In an interview with Nation News, military expert Boris Rozhin praised the statement by Assistant Chief of Staff of the British Air Force Julian Ball that the S-400 air defense system is the most dangerous type of Russian weapon.