Teller Report

Barcelona police use rubber bullets to disperse protesters

10/19/2019, 10:58:21 PM

Police in Barcelona used special equipment, including rubber bullets, to disperse the supporters of the independence of Catalonia. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to him, the protesters erect barriers on the streets of Barcelona from improvised means. Radically-minded people set fire to the constructed barricades.

It is clarified that law enforcement officers used rubber bullets after protesters attacked firefighters trying to put out fires.

Earlier, the Acting Minister of the Interior of Spain, Fernando Grande Marlasca, said that since the start of the protests in Catalonia, more than 200 law enforcement officers have been affected.

In addition, according to El Pais, during the riots in Catalonia on Friday, October 18, at least 182 people were injured, another 54 protesters were detained ..