Teller Report

“There are no threats to settlements downstream”: the state of emergency was introduced in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory after breaking the dam

10/19/2019, 6:22:38 PM

Exploration work at the dam site in the Kuraginsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was suspended until morning, regional authorities said. Now missing are six people. The death toll amounted to 15 people, another nine in various conditions were hospitalized. After breaking the dam of the technological reservoir of the gold mining artel, a state of emergency was also introduced. At the same time, the regional government noted that there were no threats to settlements downstream of the Ceiba River, on which the hydraulic structure stood.

Exploration work in the area of ​​the village of Schetinkino on the Ceiba River in the Kuraginsky district has been suspended. They were started after the destruction of the dam of the technological reservoir of the gold mining artel, as a result of which several workers' dormitories, in which 72 people could be, were flooded.

“In connection with the onset of darkness, prospecting will be suspended and will continue the next day. More than 70 professional rescuers work in the river channel zone, ”the press service of the official portal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory said.

At the same time, regional authorities announced the introduction of an emergency regime in the territory of the Kuraginsky district. In addition, Governor Alexander Uss announced that Monday, October 21, will be the day of mourning for the dead - flags will be lowered in all cities and regions.

According to the latest data, as a result of the breakthrough of the dam, 15 people were killed, six more are reported missing. According to the chairman of the regional government, Yuri Lapshin, 44 people were rescued, of which nine needed medical care.

At the same time, the press service of the regional Ministry of Health explained that a total of 16 people suffered from an emergency, but seven refused to be hospitalized.

“Nine victims are in the Kuraginsky hospital. Four of them will be delivered to Krasnoyarsk, as their condition is assessed as serious. The rest have moderate severity, ”the press service quoted TASS as saying.

Along with this, the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication published the names of the deceased workers, and the REN TV channel presented a list of people whose searches are ongoing.

In addition, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory reported that after opening the hotline telephone, more than 220 calls were received from various regions of Russia.

The agency also published a video showing the consequences of a breakthrough in a hydraulic structure.

We add that Russian President Vladimir Putin is aware of the tragedy. The report on the situation was presented to him by the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, Yevgeny Zinichev, and the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Uss.

“The president instructed to take all measures to help people, find out the reasons for what happened, as well as to prevent the spread of the consequences of the dam collapse in nearby settlements,” said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the head of state.

In addition, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tatyana Moskalkova, instructed the regional ombudsman to provide all possible assistance to the families of the dead and injured.

“The reasons for the tragic incident are being investigated by specialists. Everything will be done so that this does not happen again. Today, our duty is to support people affected by grief. The families of the dead and injured will be provided with the necessary assistance, ”said the head of the region, Alexander Uss.

At the same time, as the press service of the Krasnoyarsk government said, the employer company is ready to bear the costs of organizing the funeral of the dead and providing assistance to the victims. Earlier it was reported that the gold mining artel belongs to the Sibzoloto holding. According to the press service of the regional department of the Investigative Committee, the company’s offices underwent searches in the framework of the criminal case.

“At present, accounting and technical documentation, personal files of employees are being seized. The investigation of the criminal case is ongoing, ”the report said.

Earlier, the IC opened criminal proceedings on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Art. 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of safety rules during work that entailed, through negligence, the death of two or more persons”).

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At the same time, Rostekhnadzor reported that the dam was temporary, while the owner of Sisim LLC (part of the Sibzoloto holding) did not comply with any requirements necessary to obtain permission to operate a hydraulic structure and make it into the state register.

“There was no information about this embankment in the territorial administration of Rostekhnadzor,” the department explained.

Regional authorities also ruled out the possibility that a dam breaking on the Ceiba River could be dangerous for other settlements downstream.

“The entire industrial area is virtually unaffected. Only the two lower beams where people were. Another beam and two small production facilities, they are washed away. The rest of the infrastructure is not affected, it is worth it. And it’s ready to continue work, ”said Anatoly Tsykalov, deputy chairman of the regional government.

He also noted that small companies engaged in subsoil use may soon become objects for inspections by regional authorities.

“Now we can only talk about those hydraulic structures that were built by subsoil users, but are not shown anywhere ... All other facilities are known, their characteristics are known, they are under control,” he added.