Teller Report

Typhoon Torrential Rain “Cannot Evacuate” Lessons Learned | NHK News

10/16/2019, 11:40:25 AM

Torrential rain caused by Typhoon No. 19 that caused extensive damage to various places. There were many cases of death in flooded houses and buildings. Why evacuate ...

Typhoon heavy rain “Can't evacuate” The lesson is Oct. 16 at 20:34

Torrential rain caused by Typhoon No. 19 that caused extensive damage to various places. There were many cases of death in flooded houses and buildings. Why could n’t she evacuate? What is that lesson?

My home is flooded "I can't escape"

Yuichi Soga, 48, a dentist from Motomiya City, Fukushima Prefecture, who died in heavy rain, told the acquaintance by phone that the amount of water that had flowed into his flat house was increasing.

At around 2:00 am on the 13th, Mr. Soga called a man and said that "water has entered the ankle of his house."

After that, on the phone at around 3am, he said, “I'm near my chest,” and the man called me to “break the window glass and evacuate to the roof”.

However, a phone call at around 3:30 am said that the water is about to hit the ceiling. I can't escape.

Of the 7 people who died in Motomiya City as of 5:30 pm on the 16th, at least 5 people were found on the first floor.

If water pressure is applied, even adults cannot open the door

Experts have pointed out the possibility that the door did not open due to water pressure when trying to evacuate.

Experiments that open the doors of flooded rooms show that once water pressure is applied, it is difficult for adult men to open the doors.

“It may happen that the door does not open due to water pressure”

Professor Kiyoki Kawagoe of the Graduate School of Symbiotic Systems Science and Engineering, Fukushima University, who is studying the mechanism of natural disasters, says, “Since water pressure is easily applied, it can happen that the door does not open. Talking

How to protect vulnerable people

On the other hand, in this disaster, the issue is emerging again how to protect the so-called vulnerable people.

The Hiraishita-Hirokubo area in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture flooded the nearby Natui River under the influence of Typhoon No. 19, and four elderly people were sacrificed.

According to the residents of this area, the water level rose after the night of the 12th, and the water level rose and the first floor part of the building was used. Is one after another.

According to Iwaki City, all four people who died were elderly people in their 80s and older, and all were drowned.

Early evacuation call ...

The city provided information on evacuation preparations throughout the city at 10:00 am on the 12th, calling for people with disabilities, such as elderly people, to evacuate early.

However, this district did not have a disaster prevention administrative radio system that communicates information all at once. According to the city, the disaster prevention radio system has been developed only for coastal areas in preparation for the tsunami.

At the stage when the city has issued information calling for evacuation, it is said that the city has called for evacuation via a disaster prevention e-mail that reaches the registered person's mobile phone or an area e-mail that reaches those who are not registered.

However, some residents in the district heard it was difficult to understand whether the content of the email corresponded to their district, and some elderly people did not have a mobile phone.

The city called on the fire brigade to call for direct evacuation approximately half a day after the danger was imminent and the evacuation instructions were issued.

Iwaki City has decided to consider how to make it known in the future, after considering that there was a problem in how to convey this information.

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