Teller Report

The tragedy near Kirov: what is known about the situation with a downed child in whose blood they found alcohol

10/16/2019, 7:34:42 PM

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, ordered a second examination in the case of the death of a boy in the Kirov region in whose blood alcohol was found. The child was hit by a police officer. Experts believe that ethanol in the blood of a child could appear due to improper transportation of biological materials or errors in blood sampling. However, the medical examiner claims that there are no errors in the results of the study.

The head of the IC of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to understand the circumstances of a fatal accident, during the investigation of which it became clear that alcohol was found in the blood of a child who died under the wheels of a car. The boy’s relatives do not trust the investigation, since the policeman turned out to be the one who crushed the boy, and they require an objective investigation.

The fatal accident occurred at about two in the afternoon on Saturday, July 13, 2019 on the main rural street. On the road was driving a black Nissan Qashqai, behind the wheel of which was the operational duty officer of the Nemsky police station, Major Sergei Melnikov. According to eyewitnesses, the speed of the car was high. Suddenly, a six-year-old boy rode out onto the road from an adjacent primer on a bicycle. Seeing a car rushing towards him, he tried to slow down, but did not have time.

“He noticed the car and tried to slow down - if it had not slowed down, he would have flown. His bike’s rear wheel is completely bald: there are no spikes, no treads, nothing, says RT aunt of the boy Galina Solovyova. - I did not see the accident itself - I ran out when the neighbors rustled. Vanya even left an imprint from the car's license plate on his forehead! And he dragged the bike upstairs, on the hood, while the boy was downstairs. There was blood there. ”

The child received many injuries: a combined blunt body injury, a bruised wound of the frontal and occipital region, abrasion of the chest, hemorrhage, lung contusion, rupture of the liver, closed fracture of the femur. From his injuries, he died on the spot.

What eyewitnesses say

As an eyewitness to the accident, Alexander Vershinin, told RT, from a strong blow, the child flew away 20 meters.

“At that moment, when the boy was shot down, a loud pop was heard all over the street. If the speed was normal in the car, I think there would not be such a strong sound. We ran immediately, the boy was already lying - about twenty meters he was thrown back. It was near the intersection, it is hard to see there: the trees grew, everyone was weeds. The driver was sitting at the bumper of the car, holding on to his head. The very next day, everything was cleaned up at that intersection: this weed was painted, a pedestrian path, you know how it happens, ”Vershinin says.

Some eyewitnesses claim that Melnikov resisted police officers who arrived at the scene. As a law enforcement source in the region told RT, after what was happening Melnikov called the police and an ambulance and rushed to help the child.

“After what happened, he brought condolences to the boy’s relatives and said that he would pay for the funeral and all expenses. All colleagues suggested even throwing off if he suddenly had no such money. He is not to pay off, but to help humanly. However, the parents said that they did not want to see him, and they refused to help, ”said the source.

Blood alcohol

In fact, the regional department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under part 3 of art. 264 of the Criminal Code. In the case, autotechnical and forensic medical examinations were appointed. The results of the latter shocked the boy's parents: it turned out that their child was allegedly drunk. In the blood of a corpse, a forensic chemical study revealed ethanol in an amount of 0.51 ppm.

“This is not the first time that an examination reveals alcohol in the blood of a child who died in an accident! And they will now lift it again and dig up the body - well, what is it, what was it for, ”Solovyova wonders.

As RT told the press service of the regional administration of the UK, an additional examination was appointed as part of the investigation.

“As part of the investigation, the necessary investigative steps were taken, the victims and the driver, eyewitnesses, and an automotive technical examination were questioned. At the direction of the leadership of the Investigation Department, the criminal investigation was transferred from the inter-district investigation department to the first department for the investigation of especially important cases. In addition, the chairman of the RF IC Alexander Bastrykin took the matter under his personal control. An additional examination will be appointed as part of the investigation, ”the press service said.

After the incident, a check on the fact of an accident began in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kirov region. According to RT, the head of the press service of the department, Sergey Barantsev, according to the results of the audit, it was established that Melnikov was on vacation at the time of the accident and was in civilian clothes. The police previously established that he did not violate traffic rules at the moment when a cyclist unexpectedly left the secondary road.

“After the accident, the police officer underwent a medical examination, the presence of alcohol in his body was not detected. According to preliminary data, he did not have a real opportunity to prevent a collision. He is not suspended from the performance of official duties; he continues to fulfill the duties of the operational duty station of the police. If he is found guilty of an accident and convicted, he will be dismissed from law enforcement agencies, ”the press service said.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation, Anna Kuznetsova, requested the results of a prosecutor’s check on the boy’s case. According to her, the situation "raises questions"

“No error”

RT managed to communicate with forensic expert Sergei Nasonov, who conducted a forensic medical examination. He stated that there could be no error in the results of the study.

“For my part, I do not see any mistake. I do not know what preceded the child being on the road. I did not stand next to him. I can’t say what exactly he drank. I'm just doing my job, ”said the expert.

He added that he never produces a second examination and will not do it now.

“Blood could ferment”

Meanwhile, an expert from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Department of Health Evgeni Kildyushov said that biological materials can ferment and a certain amount of ppm appears in the blood if it is not transported properly.

“0.51 ppm is quite possible. With improper storage, in the presence of putrefactive processes, a formation of ethanol in the blood is possible. This is a famous thing. This may be due to the presence of some kind of disease. Here we need to take a specific case, ”Kildyushov explained.

Alexander Kovtun, a psychiatrist-narcologist with many years of experience, considers it unlikely that ethanol in the blood of a child could appear due to the lack of a refrigerator in the morgue and the late sending of samples for research.

“Most likely, this is impossible. In my practice, this was not the case, although there were situations when the blood repeatedly and stood longer, it was carried in the heat without a refrigerator, that is, the temperature regime was violated. Such errors, when alcohol is detected in the blood, while the person was actually sober, happens when there is a violation of the order of blood sampling, more often in living individuals, ”he told RT.

Based on the available data, Kovtun will be inclined to the version of the error of the forensic expert.

“If a living child did not have clinical signs of intoxication, if there is no evidence to suggest that he drank alcohol, then most likely this is an error at the stage of blood sampling or at the stage of storage or transportation,” he concluded.

Recall that this is not the first time that a child has alcohol in his blood after a fatal accident. As RT told, as a result of the negligence of a forensic expert, Alexei Shimko, who died in Balashikha, erroneously discovered 2.7 ppm of alcohol. After a huge resonance and lengthy proceedings, it turned out that such a result was obtained due to incorrect actions that carried out a posthumous examination of Mikhail Kleimenov.