Teller Report

THE SEXO QUESTION - What tips for a "first time" success?

10/16/2019, 7:10:19 PM

On Wednesday, in the program "Sans Rendez-Vous", the sexologist Catherine Blanc responds to a young listener who wonders if there is a manual to ensure that its "first time" is going well.

Wednesday, in the show "Without Rendez-Vous", the sexologist Catherine Blanc responds to a young listener who wonders if there is a user manual to ensure that his "first time" is going well.


A first sexual relationship can be, beyond the excitement, the source of a particular stress. What if I was not up to it? What if my partner was disappointed? On Wednesday, at the microphone of Melanie Gomez in, Without appointment , the health show of Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine White explains what behavior to adopt to put all the chances on his side during this "first time".

The question of Baptiste, 16 years old

"I'm about to make love for the first time, I'm a little worried about my ability to handle everything at the same time, is there a position to be adopted, do I have to the same act? How to pass from one to the other without losing one's erection? "

Catherine Blanc's answer

"The worry before a first time is normal, you have to manage the erection, the body of the other, what you want to achieve yourself, where you want to take your partner ... It's a lot many things at once, a bit like learning to drive a car: there is the clutch, the accelerator, the brake, and the code of the road to be respected! It is something very difficult but which becomes natural With the first steps, there is always the fear of imbalance, but once we know how to do it, we do not even think about it anymore. "

Should we stick to certain positions to guarantee the success of this first time?

"At first, you have to put yourself in a comfortable position, so favor positions for which you will not have to do pushups, or look for an entry not very easy to find, because his partner will be herself twisted in all directions.

We must privilege positions where we leave free will to the woman and in which, because the man is lying, she comes to sit on him and penetrates herself. It can also be very quiet and soft positions, such as the position of the spoon, where the two partners are on the side, coiled into each other. There is no need for muscular effort, and access to the penetrated body is easy. One position is good enough for the first time, and even for a second or third time.

Is it necessarily bad the first time?

You can feel bad the first time you make love, but also the first times with a new partner. We must agree with each other. If Baptiste's partner is also worried, she can position herself quite differently from what he expects. It can put it in default or in difficulty by its own inhibitions.

But it is also funny to crash, to have fun together trying, as if his own body was alien to himself and he had to reinvest it little by little, to find the logic. Losing one's erection opens the field of possibilities. This is the opportunity to laugh, caress, discover other things, to the surprise of a new erection that allows a new position. Let's leave his surprise at this moment! "

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