Teller Report

The Federation Council appreciated the US desire to resume negotiations with the DPRK

10/16/2019, 8:34:25 PM

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov commented on RT’s statement by US Assistant Secretary of State David Stillwell that the United States authorities are ready to resume constructive negotiations with the DPRK.

“For the past two years, we have been observing various states of US-North Korean relations - a confrontation with threats, with the adjustment of aircraft carriers to the shores of North Korea, an unexpected descent on brakes, a meeting, a summit, many hopes and prospects. And then again the repetition of the script. I don’t know how long it will be. If we see a real bridging - good. It is worth noting that any negotiations are always better than the state of confrontation, ”said the senator.

According to Jabarov, North Korea has every reason to demand from its partners "a solution to many issues regarding its security."

“If the voice of North Korea is heard, we can only welcome such negotiations,” he said.

Earlier, the Assistant Secretary of State said that the United States authorities are ready to resume constructive negotiations with the DPRK.