Teller Report

Suspected sexual crimes at a school in Trelleborg

10/16/2019, 11:13:19 PM

Late on Wednesday evening, police blocked off an area at Västervångskolan in Trelleborg. According to the police, you are investigating a suspected sexual offense, but otherwise you are very sorry for the case.

"Due to the nature of the crime, I cannot tell you much more than that we have been barred from the site for a technical investigation," says Katarina Rusin, spokesperson for the police region South.

When should the crime have taken place?

- This is not something I will comment on.

At midnight, the police had not yet detained anyone.

Playground blocked off

According to SVT's emissary Mikael Nilsson, it should be a playground at the school blocked off.

- There are forensic technicians on the spot who light with special lamps for evidence. There is also a special search dog on site, he says and continues:

- The area that is blocked off is a bit lonely and there is limited visibility from nearby roads.

Photo: Mikael Nilsson

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