Teller Report

Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the situation with US diplomats in Severodvinsk

10/16/2019, 6:37:25 PM

American diplomats, taken earlier from the train in Severodvinsk, notified the Russian Ministry of Defense of the planned trip, but it was about the intention to visit Arkhangelsk. This was stated in the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“We fully reaffirm the position of the American embassy that this was an official trip, and that they notified the Russian Ministry of Defense of their plans. But they only announced their intention to visit Arkhangelsk, and ended up on the Nenoksa-Severodvinsk train, ”Interfax reports.

As suggested by the department, they "got lost."

Earlier media reported that three employees of the US Embassy on October 14 were removed from the Nenoksa-Severodvinsk train due to entry into the restricted area without permission.

The American embassy confirmed the incident, saying that diplomats were on an official trip and "duly" notified the Department of Defense about it.

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