Teller Report

Reforms: Forza Italia, Italia Viva and + Europa start collecting signatures for referendums

10/16/2019, 6:07:19 PM

Three parties against the cut of parliamentarians. Under Article 138 of the Constitution, Bergamini, Giachetti and Magi have started the procedures to request the confirmatory referendum

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16 October 2019The deputies Debora Bergamini (Forza Italia), Roberto Giachetti (living Italy) and Riccardo Magi (+ Europe) presented "the request to initiate the procedure for collecting the signatures of one fifth of the deputies to request the referendum", on based on Article 138, second paragraph, of the Constitution. This was announced in the House by the current president, Fabio Rampelli, explaining that the collection of signatures is to request the referendum on the constitutional reform that reduces the number of parliamentarians, definitively voted by the House in early October.

"For the purposes of the required fulfilments, the deputies who intend to sign the referendum request can go to the Council Chamber for prerogatives and immunities. Once they have reached the quorum required by one-fifth of the Chamber's deputies," added Rampelli, the papers containing "the signatures will be delivered to the deputies Giachetti, Bergamini and Magi themselves in order to proceed with the formalities required by law".