Teller Report

Hong Kong: US parliamentarians vote anger China

10/16/2019, 6:19:19 PM

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday (October 15th) voted to put a hard line on China 's pro - democracy movement in Hong Kong, provoking Peking' s discontent.

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The Chinese authorities held a press conference on Wednesday (October 16th) to react to the votes of the US deputies. ED JONES / AFP

The US House of Representatives voted on Tuesday, October 15 measures to post a hard line against China in connection with the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong causing discontent Beijing.

With our correspondent in Beijing , Stéphane Lagarde

" It is not human rights and democracy that are threatened in Hong Kong, but public order and social peace, " the state media repeated the statements of the spokesman for the day. Chinese diplomacy this Wednesday morning.

Among the measures adopted by the House of Representatives in the United States, the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act", which aims to require the US Secretary of State to ensure each year that the autonomy of Hong Kong is preserved so that the territory continues to benefit from special economic treatment from the United States.

A warning to the White House

" The House of Representatives in the United States ignores reality and shifts the dark to the white, " said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, describing the subway station fire in Hong Kong or the attack. of a policeman with the cutter before denouncing sinister attentions " aimed at destroying the prosperity of Hong Kong and containing the development of China ".

This criticism of a supposed foreign interference surfs on the red wave of the ceremonies of the 70th anniversary of the People's China. " If the text is adopted, it will seriously damage the Sino-US relationship ," warn the Chinese authorities who promise countermeasures.

This is a slipped warning to the White House that so far has remained very cautious on the issue of Hong Kong fearing that the four months of protests in the special administrative region will compromise trade negotiations between the 1st and 2nd economies of the world.

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