Teller Report

Forum Russia-Africa in Sochi will visit a delegation from Libya

10/16/2019, 9:34:25 PM

The Russia-Africa Economic Forum, which will be held in Sochi on October 23-24, will be visited by a Libyan delegation led by Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj.

This was announced by the head of the Russian contact group on intra-liquid settlement Lev Dengov.

“It is highly likely that a delegation from Tripoli, led by Prime Minister Faiz Sarraj, will come to the Russia-Africa summit,” Interfax quotes him.

It is expected that the delegation will also arrive Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Sialla.

In general, according to Dengov, “a rather large delegation is expected” from this country.

Earlier it was reported that within the framework of the business program of the forum, issues of cooperation in the humanitarian and social fields will be discussed.

Nation News also broadcast that a gala concert will be held as part of the cultural program of the Economic Forum in Sochi.