Teller Report

Die intelligence

10/16/2019, 8:28:31 PM

Barcelona lives, waiting for Friday, as if the ground were shaking under the footsteps of the ba portas. The five tractor columns that have taken over the highways c

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Barcelona lives, waiting for Friday, as if the ground were shaking under the footsteps of the ba portas. The five tractor columns that have seized the surrounding highways and march on the city will make a coincident entrance with the general extortion strike.

There is an eccentric circumstance, impossible to observe in other areas where the institutional and insurgent remain dissociated, that the highest representative of the authority, Torra , has been seen at the head of a column and continues to lavish stimulating harangues for incendiary, as well as issuing certificates of popular infallibility that have fire retardant properties because they do not fight them or fire.

While this happens, Barcelona has rendered its daily life. Despite the police cuts, the avenues such as Aragon and Valencia flow discharged from traffic, because many people have decided to postpone their lives until they can live it in peace. Canceled appointments, postponed activities, resignations. In the twilight, the center is released for the rage and tourists, whose hotel is within that perimeter, seem shipwrecked launching an SOS when, loaded with suitcases that will then drag on the walk, ask with an application of the mobile taxi That will never come.

This Wednesday began the university blockade. With the acquiescence of the rectors, whether out of complicity or fear, the ideological minority that keeps the campuses in captivity ordered the emptying of the classrooms. This motivated a concentration of response in the University square of the S'ha acabat collective, composed of students of transverse will, although constitutionalist, who declare themselves fed up with complying with the blackmail of university bullying. They are neat boys, good speakers, something nerds , who in another city would be leading a routine, study and Guatemalan life, but here they are learning certain heroic nuances related to the defense of primary freedom.

They yearn to take from conformism all those who would like to study even when independence demands that it not be done. They have attacked them even with fire extinguishers and, in general, are accustomed to inspire low violent instincts. They use the Resistance of the Dynamic Duo almost as a hymn and, with their national flags, form a human island on the street that seems threatened by a hostile ecosystem.

Many people have decided to postpone their life until they can live it in peace

This Wednesday, while they were talking, the motorists passing them shouted "Fachas!" and they tensed their fingers. Some crews of Batasuno- like activists were immediately detected by the Mossos, who subjected them to narrow marking when they tried to sneak through the crowd. Others tried to intimidate them by recording them with mobiles, as if they were identifying them to give them some disgust.

Representatives of Citizens, such as Inés Arrimadas , and the PP were accompanied by S'ha acabat students. The group of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo and Alejandro Fernández is surrounded these days by a police protection that evokes the Basque years. In reality, it is a stimulating situation for a vocational politician who believes in the defense of certain values ​​and does not limit his office to the hoarding of charges and privileges related to the party's quarrel.

Álvarez de Toledo, who during the previous electoral campaign suffered a violent escrache in the Autonomous Government, pronounced in the square a Unamunian words to denounce that it is the independence darkness that today kills intelligence in universities. These, he added, are a reproduction at the scale of society that also does not know how to free itself from this bullying with institutional prolongation that is fulfilling its purpose of paralyzing the lives of its citizens, all of them turned into hostages.

The Police recommended dispersing from the University square, once the act was over, as if it were not convenient to expose oneself in the same place for too long. In fact, it was the shift change: the protesters summoned by the CDRs were coming to the center, who, under a hygienic pretext, brought toilet paper rolls that, once launched, would recall the aesthetics of Argentine stadium funds.

The urban center was already resigned to a new occupation. And very soon, at the crossings of Ensanche streets, masked activists set fire to containers while receiving reproaches from neighbors. No one could prevent the flames from reaching certain cars that began to burn.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Barcelona
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • Inés Arrimadas
  • Citizens
  • Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo
  • CDR
  • Violence Catalonia
  • 1-O trial

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