Teller Report

Dead by smog, Italy has primacy in the EU

10/16/2019, 9:16:36 PM

11.00 pm Italy is the first EU country for premature deaths from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and in the group of those that systematically override the legal limits for the main atmospheric pollutants. The data were collected and analyzed by the European Agency for the Environment (AEA) in the annual report on air quality. According to the 2016 survey, the peninsula has the highest EU value of premature deaths for nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 14,600), ozone (O3, 3000) and for fine particulate Pm2.5 (58.600).


16 October 201923.00 Italy is the first EU country for premature deaths from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and in the group of those that systematically override the legal limits for the main atmospheric pollutants. The data have been collected and analyzed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the annual report on air quality. According to the 2016 survey, the peninsula has the highest EU value of premature deaths for nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 14,600), ozone (O3, 3000) and for fine particulate Pm2.5 (58.600).