Teller Report

Where are the children hiding?

10/15/2019, 11:58:30 PM

Is the current educational and ethical system able to help our children understand and keep pace with the changes that are driving the world? Are our children ready for the challenges of the value system and education that the future holds? These questions have come to mind as I see the gap between our children's world.

Is the current educational and ethical system able to help our children understand and keep pace with the changes that are driving the world? Are our children ready for the challenges of the future value and education system?

These questions came to mind as I saw the gap between our children's and ours, even though we live in the same world. We see our children hiding from us in unknown corners, dark to us, and enlightening them. Often, they fly in applications we don't know, math-controlled games, or content containing ethical systems that are foreign to us.

In these two worlds where we both live, we may meet at some stations, but we are divided in many of them. To illustrate more, we can say that the new generation of our children lives the future, and deals with its details daily in his thoughts, beliefs, dreams and aspirations, while we live the facts of the present, and we rely on the past, which we believe or delusion that he can provide all solutions to our problems.

So we are working to force the young generation, which was not created for our time, by insisting on believing that it looks exactly like us, and will always be! We imagine that he will live the details of our own experiences, so we don't care about the tomorrow that knocks our doors every day, at the same time.

This uncertain future has invaded our homes and dominated the parts of our lives. Moreover, it has become an integral part of our lives and that of our children.

It is imperative that we deal with this fact in innovative ways in order to bridge the gap between our generation, despite its expansion, and its extension to the educational and ethical system that is supposed to have the keys to solutions, but it seems unable to do so before the power of the future!

On the other hand, our children are better at dealing with this future than we have, because they have developed their own language tools and unique experiences to emulate them with confidence.

There is no doubt that the challenges parents face in raising their children and urging them to uphold the heritage and traditions are many, but they feel that their children are flying away from them in their own spaces.

We usually repeat the same disc that this is due to the effects of technology and technology, and the invasion of modern media and the different cultures that we receive, but this is nothing more than a peg!

It is becoming clear that in the face of the future we must gain the sciences of the times and their knowledge developed by other human beings, who have their own vision and ethical and scientific system advanced upon us, and we are forced to submit to them as consumers, not producers. In no way can we tailor modern technology to our sizes, and since we have opened our windows and doors they will enter with all their cultures!

Those who have the tools of confrontation are our children. They are better able to face the future. While some of us seek to limit their start, concepts and opinions we inherited and educated, and accustomed to.

We are still looking for our children hiding from us in the future, fleeing our customs, rituals and accents, the stick of the teacher, daily mores, and household traditions.

"Do we expect our children to preserve their culture while living the different cultures of the world?"

I said no comment. The future we have not turned to, has invaded our homes, dominating the molecules of our lives.

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