Teller Report


10/15/2019, 4:55:18 PM

The negotiates are brewing around a central point, decrypts Pierre Benazet, correspondent of France 24 in Brussels. That of a red line that had been presented by Boris Johnson, and which also repeats the words of Teresa May: the customs controls. British and European negotiators have made progress: concessions have been made by London over the relocation of Ireland's customs controls, which Boris Johnson wanted in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland which would de facto divide the United Kingdom into two. It would therefore be a major concession on the part of the British, which suggests that Boris Johnson wants to reach an agreement by the end of the month. These negotiations are still ongoing because a well-crafted and binding legal text for Heads of State and Government must be presented before Thursday's summit. If this were not the case, there could be a new schedule.
