Teller Report

Young people password in the way of Qais Said towards Carthage Palace

10/14/2019, 5:52:33 PM

Hayat Ben Hilal - Tunisia

They rallied around him before he announced his candidacy and in his election campaign and rallied to celebrate when he won, an unprecedented gift to Tunisia's youth was a supporter of candidate Kais Said. .

The 61-year-old clung to the lifeboat as if it was their savior from those who cracked their heads with flimsy promises and election programs that had been dead on paper for years.

As for the youth, Qais Saeed, who achieved a landslide victory by 72.71% according to the official results, said they are a new generation who wanted to change, and yearned for a revolution that really graduated from what they considered unjust against their revolution. On being a non-partisan and experienced in law.

Said was nicknamed the "youth candidate" who volunteered in free elections for him after he refused government funding for his campaign. They sought limited possibilities - compared to those of other candidates - to impose their votes, seeking to create a new political dynamic.

Al-Shabab was the hard core of Qais Said's election campaign

Voluntary campaigns
Qais Sa'id described his candidacy for the presidency as a call to duty after the youth gathered thousands of signatures to urge him to run, especially since he rejected it in the previous elections and contented himself with some suggestions, attitudes, and rational discourse that caused his popularity among young people who are tired of false promises.

Immediately after the announcement of his candidacy, the words of support by young Tunisians spread on social media platforms, and the early voluntary campaigns started by setting up special pages that quickly garnered millions of fans.

It was a vigorous pursuit to publicize their candidate and defend him and mentioned his advantages compared to other politicians, especially as a university professor known for his honesty and integrity, so the first campaign started supporting him from the yards of universities.

It is noteworthy that the percentage of university students who voted for the candidate Qais Sa'id reached about 50% in the first round of the presidential elections compared to only 8% for the candidate Nabil Karawi, reflecting the sudden new youth revolution, which they described as "regaining the revolutionary path."

"I have created a special page to support the professor I chose to vote for, because of his integrity and transparency, unlike his counterpart, who is accused of corruption and tax evasion," said Munther al-Rabhi, a medical student and supporter of Qais Saeed.

Sarah is a young photographer who has dedicated herself to portraying youth volunteers and campaigning for Qais Saeed and posting them on social media in an effort to urge youth to vote for Said, she told Al Jazeera Net.

Many university students returned to their provinces to vote in the second round (Al Jazeera Net)

Youth Solutions
After winning the first round, which coincided with the university holiday, the supporters of Sa'id's fears began to decline in the second round, which coincided with the university return and the return of students to their universities away from their registered polling stations, especially after the IHEC refused to change offices.

They started thinking seriously about the existence of solutions.

The day before the polls, the transport stations were teeming with young people who refused to exercise their right to vote in the polling stations registered in their governorates, struggling to travel only to vote for their favorite candidate.

Mohammed, a student in the Faculty of Law, moved from the governorate of Monastir (central) to the governorate of Medenine (south) to vote for candidate Qais Sa'id, and says in a statement to Al Jazeera Net "I have to travel to support the truth and to complete the real revolutionary path. Corruption and circumvention. "

"We are making a distinction between the sincere and the liar," said Laila Awni, a young woman working in a private company. ".

It is a revolution of young people who gave their speech and expressed their position against what they considered a government failure at several levels of social, economic and political, which led them to vote punitive for all political class of different opposition and government.