Teller Report

This is how the police in Skaraborg will be better at investigating crimes in close relationships

10/14/2019, 6:16:27 PM

More employees, more resources and new priorities. These are some of the changes that must be made to make the police in Skaraborg better at investigating crimes in close relationships. "We are open to the fact that we have not fully succeeded in investigating these crimes," said Andreas Wedebrand, police chief.

The aim of the initiative, which was presented at a press conference on Monday, is that more cases of crime in close relationships should lead to prosecution.

- We want to be better at investigating these crimes and now it feels like we are well equipped for it. We must make the right priorities and the right time, says Andreas Wedebrand.

Can be a socionom

The investment means that, for starters, one will hire an administrator, an IT officer, and three civilian investigators. Thus investigators who are not trained police officers.

- For example, it may be sociognomists or behavioral scientists who have different perspectives, says Pia Edoff, group leader for crime in close relationship.

Crimes in close relationships include not only crimes between partners and spouses, but also various crimes between people who are close relatives, such as crimes against children and various forms of honor-related crimes.

Want to reach out

In the long term, you want to be faster and better at investigating this type of crime, and that more cases will go to prosecution. This is to create greater confidence in the police among the citizens.

- We want to try to reach out with our work, and for people to come to us so that we can help them. Whether it is a victim, a relative or a friend. It is incredibly important that the plaintiff has confidence in the police, says Pia Edoff.

Carolina Björk, coordinator, and Andreas Wedebrand, police chief. Photo: SVT