Teller Report

Ovation of several minutes for Placido Domingo in Zurich on his return to Europe

10/14/2019, 4:16:33 PM

The Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo was fired with a standing ovation of several minutes at the Zurich Opera House after being part of the cast of 'Nabucco', by Giuseppe Verdi, in which he was s

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The Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo was fired with a standing ovation of several minutes at the Zurich Opera House after being part of the cast of 'Nabucco', by Giuseppe Verdi, in which it was his first performance in Europe after having resigned from acting at the Metropolitan New York Opera (Met Opera) and having resigned as general director of the Los Angeles Opera.

At the end of the performance, Domingo left alone to greet the audience , with most of the cast behind him, as seen in videos broadcast by attendees on social networks. During the ovation and the applause several 'braves' are heard and the Spanish tenor is satisfied, bowing to both the public and the rest of the cast.

A spokeswoman for the Swiss opera recently told Europa Press that the theater kept the tenor's performance on the bill because, although the matter is taken "very seriously," it respects the "presumption of innocence . "

The Zurich Opera argues that it has not received "any negative reports", either from the internal "confidants" or from the "external specialist unit for harassment and harassment", and that the singer "has not been convicted by any court" , while stressing that "the various formal investigations are still ongoing and have not yet produced any results."

In this way, the Swiss theater has maintained its position regarding the Spanish tenor, after Domingo resigned as director general of the Los Angeles Opera on October 2, and that he resigned from acting again at the New York Opera (Met Opera), as announced in late September.

For its part, the Palau de Les Arts de València confirmed that it maintains the performance of Plácido Domingo in December, in reference to the presumption of innocence of the tenor, which, as the artistic director of Les Arts, Jesús Iglesias Noriega, is "a constitutional principle to which all citizens are entitled."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Placido Domingo
  • music
  • Opera
  • culture
  • sexual harassment
  • Switzerland

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