Teller Report

Illegal Kurdish demonstration disrupted traffic in central Malmö

10/13/2019, 7:16:25 PM

Several Malmö residents alerted the police on Sunday evening when 100-200 people were out on Amiralsgatan in central Malmö.

- The callers perceived the situation as threatening because the protesters disturbed the traffic. They also did not have permission to demonstrate, says Evelina Olsson, press informant at the police.

Several police patrols were alerted to the scene and only then did they realize that it was a Kurdish demonstration with political motives.

- They had to be redirected to the pedestrian street so that they did not disturb the public and that the impact was as little as possible, says Evelina Olsson.

According to her, no people have been taken care of at this time and just before 9 pm the demonstration train was on its way to Möllevångstorget.