Teller Report

A committee of the Journalists Syndicate in Egypt calls for disclosing the place of detention of two journalists

10/13/2019, 5:07:36 PM

The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate's Freedoms Committee has called for the immediate disclosure of the whereabouts of two journalists and their immediate release.

The Liberties Committee expressed surprise that "the frequent talk of a wider margin of freedom of the press to the imprisonment of journalists without clear charges and without legal reasons."

The authorities demanded that Israa and al-Khatib be presented to the investigating authorities if there are legal charges against them.

Street abduction
Local human rights organizations said that military forces in civilian clothes kidnapped Israa from the street on her return to her home, while security forces raided Khatib's house and arrested him after news of the arrest of two students of the British University of Edinburgh in Cairo, which led to the university's decision to withdraw its students from Egypt.

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Khatib and Israa participated in the popular uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, and the activist had contributed in 2008 to the establishment of the "April 6 Movement", which was the first movements that called for an uprising that year.

According to Agence France-Presse that the authorities also arrested the activist Abdullah Al-Saeed of the party "live and freedom" this morning from his home, according to the party confirmed on his Facebook page in a brief publication. The authorities have yet to comment on the information in response to a question from Agence France-Presse.

Torture of an activist
In a related context, the family of political activist Alaa Abdel Fattah two days ago that he is being tortured inside his prison in Tora prison south of Cairo, which called on social networking pioneers to solidarity with him and demand his release.

The Egyptian Center for Rights - in a tweet on Twitter account today - that the number of arrested who were presented to the Public Prosecution in the wake of the protests of September 20 last year, about 3234 people, of whom only 394 have been released.

International human rights organizations described what the Egyptian regime is doing with these waves of arrests as turning the country into the largest prison for critics.

Several demonstrations took place in Cairo and other governorates last month in protest against the current regime and the policies of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, in response to a video call on him by businessman Mohamed Ali, who has accused corruption of Sisi and some army commanders.