Teller Report

Traffic detects 232 children in a week traveling without retention, 63 of them in front

10/12/2019, 12:13:16 PM

The Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) has detected during the campaign to monitor the use of the seat belt to 232 children, with stature less than 1.35 meters, traveling

The Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) has detected during the campaign to monitor the use of the seat belt to 2 32 minors, with stature less than 1.35 meters, who were traveling in vehicles without any child restraint system, 63 of them in front seats.

This data is of particular concern to the General Directorate of Traffic, as one of the objectives set forth in the Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 is to ensure that no child loses his life by not sitting in a chair appropriate to his weight and height.

During the campaign that took place between September 30 and October 6, agents have controlled 402,981 vehicles, in which 3,768 adults traveling without using the seat belt were detected.

73.5% of people who did not use this safety device circulated on conventional roads, roads where there are 8 out of 10 deaths.

The DGT recalls that the seat belt is a basic and fundamental element of road safety. For this reason, its use is mandatory for all occupants of the vehicle and on all types of roads. Minors of stature equal to or less than 135 cm who travel in a vehicle, in addition to traveling with the child restraint system appropriate to their size and weight as the standard requires, must be seated in the rear seats of the vehicles , except when the vehicle does not have rear seats, when all the rear seats are already occupied by other minors of the same characteristics or when it is not possible to install all child restraint systems in said rear seats.

Only in these cases, minors may occupy the front seat of the vehicle, but always using the restraint system approved to their size and weight. Likewise, the DGT remembers that taking the child in a bad position or without the corresponding retention system is the responsibility of the adult.

The 216 cameras installed on roads help identify those drivers who, despite knowing the benefits of this safety device, fail to use it.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • DGT
  • Madrid
  • Traffic
  • Engine

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