Teller Report

The Federation Council appreciated the appeal of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister to “squeeze Russia”

10/12/2019, 6:01:11 PM

Member of the Federation Council Igor Morozov commented on RT’s intention of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadim Priestayko to urge European partners to “squeeze Russia” on the Donbass issue.

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is gradually entering into the rhetoric that we have repeatedly heard from Klimkin: both about the support of European countries and about their impact on Russia in the Donbass. But this conflict can be resolved only through the Minsk agreements, ”the senator noted.

Morozov added that the agreements that were reached earlier, including the approval of the Steinmeier formula, indicate that the new Ukrainian government decided to end this conflict and do everything possible to resolve this problem.

“Because her decision is in demand by the whole society. Zelensky captures these moods. Therefore, to make references to some mythical influence on Russia through European partners is self-deception. I think Prikayko knows that. This is the political rhetoric that he needs for domestic political use, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Pristayko said that during the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs on October 14, he plans to urge partners to "squeeze Russia" on the issue of Donbass.

According to him, in Kiev "at present, certain, rather painful steps are being taken, to which part of society is responding with protests." Pristayko believes that European countries should "substitute their shoulder and support them."

On October 1, all participants in the contact group for resolving the situation in eastern Ukraine at a meeting in Minsk agreed on Steinmeier’s formula.

Later, thousands of people gathered in the center of Kiev to protest against the signing by the country's authorities of the Steinmeier formula.

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