Teller Report

Di Maio: we will ask the entire European Union to stop selling arms to Turkey

10/12/2019, 6:31:17 PM

At the ten-year party of the 5-star movement, the foreign minister on stage was challenged for the sale of arms to Turkey, but he made the protest his own

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October 12, 2019 "On Monday at the EU council of foreign ministers, as a government, we will demand that the whole EU block arms sales to Turkey". This was stated by the political leader M5S Luigi Di Maio from the stage of Italia 5 Stelle in Naples. "We say no to all of Europe to Turkey", screams Di Maio, repeating to a group of protesters that raids the Flegrea Arena, demanding that no more weapons be sold to the Erdogan government that has launched a military offensive against the Kurds in northern Syria.

"These guys ask Turkey to stop arms: they are right, we say so too", said Di Maio, during his speech interrupted by a blitz of the social centers at the Arena Flegrea in Naples to ask for the stop of the sale of arms to Turkey. "You have seen Turkey what it is doing, a unilateral action against Syria. On Monday as Foreign Minister I have the first Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers and we will ask that the whole European Union block the sale of arms to Turkey".

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